Working from home in your garden Office Pod would have raised a few eyebrows not too long ago. Suddenly working from home is a feature of most working professionals and now the question is how does each person manage their home life and professional life from the one property.
Whether your office is inside your home or an Office Pod in your garden, there are a few handy tips to help you keep focused when working from home.
Dress The Part
Dress professionally. It will set your mind on the right path. It makes a world of difference.
Maintain your regular rituals. If you were leaving your home daily to jump on the train, prior to that trip, there would be a number of steps you would take and you’d maintain strict timelines. When working from home and transitioning from your home life to step into your office pod, treat that transition the same as you’d have treated the transition from your front door to the train. You are now transforming from home life to professional life.
Winning The Day
You step into your office pod and it is the perfect focused environment. Your phone can provide you with many untold opportunities for distraction. Leave it till later. Focus on your tasks. If you can get most of your tasks done by lunch, you will feel on top of the world and set yourself up for a strong afternoon.
Tidy Space, Tidy Mind
We all work differently. Some of us prefer a pristine clean desk where there are others who like a bit of clutter in their desk space. Either way, keep it clean in your own way. When you step into your office pod, take a quick scan of the area. Taking 5 minutes to give it a quick tidy up will get you off to the right start each day.
Set A Time Limit
You may be working well into the night but set a deadline for shut down for the day. Whether its 5pm or 10pm, set a time and stick to it so that you are in control of your schedule.
When you shut down the computer, turn off the light and close the door to your office pod to the short walk back to home life, you will feel good about the day when you create a routine that works for you.
Explore the Harwyn range to find the office pod perfect for your circumstances.