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Hybrid work solidified Sophie’s desire for the perfect home office

But as Sophie McCowan learned during lockdown, things can get hectic when those two pillars collide – especially when they collide under one roof.

That’s what brought Sophie, Principal Lawyer at a Melbourne-based employment law firm, to Harwyn.

A lockdown epiphany

Like every other parent, Sophie felt the strain of balancing work and family when lockdown hit. A mother of three, her family home immediately took on a host of new roles.

“We have a busy family,” says Sophie. “All five of us were home during lockdown, so the house had to be two workplaces and three schools – with one kid transitioning to uni.

“There was… a lot going on. And my partner and I didn’t have any dedicated places to work from.

“I set up shop at the kitchen table – but I obviously couldn’t leave my work things there all day, every day.

“I needed a workspace where no one would interrupt me, and which made it easier for the rest of the family to enjoy our home.”

Of course, this unusual way of life didn’t last forever. Restrictions eased and WFH became hybrid work – only solidifying Sophie’s desire for the perfect home office.

“We clearly needed something else. Something permanent.”

Taking the Harwyn route

In early 2022, Sophie started weighing her options for a home office. She considered renovation or extending the home at first – but found the idea of a separate space enticing.

“I looked at a few backyard options,” she recalls. “I knew they’d be less messy than construction.”

Applying her legal sensibilities, Sophie was diligent in her home-office hunt. Before long, she’d found a clear winner.

“The more I learned about Harwyn, the more I liked them,” she says. “The design of the pods caught my eye first; I could see the level of detail. And Harwyn’s an established business – that gave me confidence.

“I looked at some photos, read everything I could, then picked up the phone.”

Every detail accounted for

The CEO of Harwyn, Jason, answered the call. As the pair spoke, Sophie’s confidence grew.

“I told Jason what our needs were,” Sophie recalls. “Then he invited me out to the factory.

“Jason recommended the model he thought would suit me, and then talked me through the best positions for it in the garden.

“As soon as I looked at it, I could see that everything had been thought of. It came with a beautiful desk, shelving and huge windows… The only extra thing I specified was that I wanted blinds, and that was easily taken care of along with everything else.”

Sophie was impressed by the simplicity of the Harwyn process. And as for the service? She was thrilled.

“It all just flowed,” she remarks. “Everyone I spoke to was professional, knowledgeable and friendly.

“Jason was always available, and nothing was too much trouble. I can’t praise Harwyn highly enough.”

Infectious excitement

Six weeks later, as Sophie watched her pod being lowered into her garden, she felt a mixture of excitement and relief.

Finally, she had a workspace to call her own.

“I’m an instinctively organised person,” Sophie explains. “I like routine. I like structure. So I was excited to have a separate, private space.

“As a lawyer, a lot of the work I do is confidential,” she continues. “I have lots of online meetings with clients and staff. The pod lets me keep those meetings secluded.”

In her first team meeting from inside the pod – her new office organised and decorated to the letter – she couldn’t resist flaunting her new space.

“I gave the team a quick tour in our morning meeting. I had to show it off a bit!” she laughs.

“I must have sold it well, because later that week one of my colleagues contacted Harwyn. He’s now getting a pod of his own!”

Quality space, quality time

Sophie’s pod has helped her find calm and focus. But she’s not the only one enjoying her tranquil new space.

“The pod is very well used,” she says. “I’m in here most days, but my partner pops in, too.

“And my son, who’s in his final years of secondary school, uses it to study most nights. He has a tutor on weekends, and they’ll come and sit out here together.”

The pod’s become a hot spot in the McCowan home. Sophie and her family have somewhere they can work in peace – cutting interruptions and boosting quality time.

“The pod helps me spend as much time with my family as possible – without us getting in each other’s way,” she explains. “That separation between work and home has been great for us.

“It’s one of those things we didn’t know how badly we needed until we had it. And now… we just couldn’t do without it.”

See more photos from this project HERE.

Are you dreaming of a personal, secluded workspace? We can help.

Call 1300 HARWYN (1300 427 996) or send us an enquiry today.